New York City Law Firm

Kuzmin & Associates, PC is based in downtown New York City, just steps from the City Hall, Wall Street and by the World Trade Center.  Our second office is located in Flushing, Queens. We are dedicated to the practice of immigration, business, real estate, and family law. Hard-working immigrants are the backbone of America. They come with the hope and vision of better future for themselves and their children. They make a home in this country, start a business, and raise a family. Laws can be complex and overwhelming without an effective lawyer working on your behalf.

As U.S. immigration law is federal government law, our attorneys can represent you nationwide, regardless of the state you are in. We have 18 years of experience in all immigration areas – family visas, labor-based petitions, green cards, and naturalization.

Our attorneys represented clients in immigration courts throughout the United States, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), and the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO). 

We are also admitted in most US Courts of Appeals. Our attorneys are long-time members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Here is the list of the most common immigration services requested by our clients:


Family-based immigration (petitions for family members)

Employment-based immigration and visas for temporary or immigrant workers

Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court (Resolving immigration delays)

Investor visasEmployer Immigration Compliance

Consular ProcessingAdjustment or change of statusAsylum proceedings

Removal (deportation) proceedings and criminal alien defense

Reopening and vacating deportation orders in immigration court

Cancellation of Removal

Naturalization (US citizenship)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Fiancé visa

U-visa (Victims of crime)

VAWA (Victims of violence against women)

Diversity Visa (Immigration Lottery)

Various Immigrant Waivers

Schedule Consultation With Attorney! Give us a call at (212) 608-1800 today, email us at or simply visit us at any of our two convenient locations:  Downtown Manhattan and Flushing, Queens.  We meet with every client one-on-one and provide individual legal assistance to suit every client’s unique needs. Services in Chinese, Russian, Albanian, and Spanish are available every day.

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